Garden of Innocents is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to providing loving and dignified memorial and burial services for unclaimed children and infants in the custody of Medical Examiner�s offices in the City of St Louis and surrounding areas.  The organization serves children that would otherwise be buried at the expense of the Medical Examiner�s office. Garden of Innocents was founded by a group of area residents. All individuals involved are strictly volunteer; there are no paid staff members.

The Garden of Innocents is located in Calvary Cemetery on West Florissant Road, in North St. Louis City. Msgr. Robert McCarthy, of the Catholic Cemetery Association, generously donated a 20-foot square plot for the exclusive use of the organization. All children referred to Garden of Innocents are buried in this lovely, tree-shaded area. If you wish to visit the Garden, it is located at Calvary Cemetery in Section 1, lot 900.  The Garden's Memorial Stone bearing the name of each child was dedicated in 2006. 

Garden of Innocents hopes to eventually expand into other areas in and around the City of St. Louis.  

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